Solutions A History of Modern Psychology - 10th Edition - Chapter 14

14.1 What personal experiences influenced Maslow’s approach to psychology?
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14.2 In what ways did the neo-Freudians change Freudian psychoanalysis?
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14.3 How did the changing Zeitgeist in social science influence the later development of psychoanalysis?
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14.4 Describe Anna Freud’s relationship with her father. What changes did she introduce into psychoanalysis?
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14.5 To what does the word object refer in object relations theory?
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14.6 How did the approaches of Melanie Klein and Heinz Kohut differ from each other, and from Freudian psychoanalysis?
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14.7 In what ways did Jung’s life experiences influence his analytical psychology?
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14.8 Describe the Jungian concepts of the collective unconscious and the archetypes.
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14.9 How did Jung’s analytical psychology differ from Freudian psychoanalysis?
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14.10 On what issues did Adler and Freud disagree?
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14.11 Explain what Adler meant by “style of life.” According to Adler’s theory, how do inferiority feelings develop?
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14.12 What lasting contributions to psychology have been made by Jung and by Adler?
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14.13 How were Horney’s views of personality influenced by her childhood experiences?
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14.14 In what ways did Freud and Horney differ in their views of feminine psychology?
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14.15 Explain Horney’s concepts of basic anxiety, neurotic needs, and idealized self-image.
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14.16 On what grounds did the humanistic psychologists criticize behaviorism and psychoanalysis?
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14.17 Compare the views of Maslow and Rogers on self-actualization and the characteristics of the psychologically healthy person.
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14.18 On what grounds have the theories of Maslow and Rogers been criticized?
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14.19 For what reasons did humanistic psychology fail to reach its goal of transforming psychology?
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14.20 In your opinion, will the positive psychology movement have a more lasting influence on the field than the humanistic psychology movement did? Why or why not?
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14.21 What factors have been shown to affect subjective well-being? What factors can you list that influence your own happiness?
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