Solutions A History of Modern Psychology - 10th Edition - Chapter 12

12.1 Explain the differences between the Gestalt and behaviorist revolts against Wundtian psychology.
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12.2 What did the Gestalt psychologists mean by the expressions “the whole is different from the sum of its parts” and “there is more to perception than meets the eye?”
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12.3 If you looked at a book on a table and said, “I see a book on the table,” what error would you be committing, according to Titchener?
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12.4 Describe the antecedent influences on Gestalt psychology.
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12.5 How did the Zeitgeist in physics change toward the end of the nineteenth century? How did that change influence Gestalt psychology?
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12.6 What is the phi phenomenon? How is it produced? Why couldn’t the phi phenomenon be explained by Wundt’s psychology?
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12.7 Why did some people mistakenly assume that Gestalt psychology dealt only with perception?
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12.8 Describe some of the principles of perceptual organization.
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12.9 How do studies of perceptual constancies support the Gestalt viewpoint?
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12.10 Why has the word Gestalt caused problems for the movement?
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12.11 Give an example of Köhler’s research on insight on the island of Tenerife.
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12.12 How does insight learning differ fromthe trial-anderror learning described by Thorndike?
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12.13 How did Wertheimer apply Gestalt principles of learning to creative thinking in humans?
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12.14 How does isomorphism relate perception to underlying neurological correlates?
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12.15 What factors impeded the acceptance of Gestalt psychology in the United States?
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12.16 On what grounds has Gestalt psychology been criticized?
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12.17 On what grounds did Gestalt psychologists criticize behaviorism?
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12.18 Describe Lewin’s concept of a field theory and tell how it was influenced by physics.
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12.19 How does field theory deal with motivation and with social psychology? What is social action research?
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12.20 In what ways did Gestalt psychology affect psychology as a whole?
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