Solutions A History of Modern Psychology - 10th Edition - Chapter 9

9.1 Why was Clever Hans considered such a sensation throughout the Western world?
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9.2 In what ways had psychology changed by the second decade of the twentieth century?
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9.3 Describe the basic tenets of Watson’s behaviorism and show how they differed from the positions of Wundt and Titchener.
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9.4 Why was Watson so opposed to the study of consciousness and the method of introspection?
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9.5 What were the three major forces Watson brought together to form his new psychology?
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9.6 What role did positivism play in the scientific Zeitgeist of the twentieth century?
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9.7 Describe the development of animal psychology since the work of Romanes and Morgan. Why was it difficult to be an animal psychologist?
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9.8 In what ways did Loeb, Washburn, Small, and Turner influence the new animal psychology?
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9.9 Discuss the impact of the Clever Hans incident on animal psychology. What did Pfungst’s experiments demonstrate?
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9.10 Relate Thorndike’s connectionism to the older philosophical notion of association.
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9.11 Describe Thorndike’s puzzle-box research and the laws of learning suggested by the results.
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9.12 Discuss the overall significance for the development of behaviorism of Thorndike’s research on human and animal learning.
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9.13 Describe Pavlov’s initial focus on mentalistic experiences and his attempts to control outside influences on his research.
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9.14 How would you design an experiment to condition a rabbit to salivate to the ringing of a cell phone?
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9.15 How did Pavlov’s work influence Watson’s behaviorism?
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9.16 Compare Pavlov’s concept of conditioned reflex with Bekhterev’s associated reflex.
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9.17 What is Twitmyer’s experience of interest to historians of psychology?
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9.18 Discuss the Zeitgeist in American psychology in the second decade of the twentieth century with reference to ideas promoted by the structuralists and functionalists.
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9.19 How did the functionalist school influence Watson’s behaviorism?
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