Solutions A History of Modern Psychology - 10th Edition - Chapter 8

8.1 What was the significance for psychology of the Coca-Cola trial and Hollingworth’s research?
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8.2 Why did the approaches to psychology pursued by Wundt and by Titchener fail to survive in the United States?
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8.3 In what ways did psychology grow and prosper in the United States in the period from 1880 to 1900? Give specific examples.
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8.4 How did economic forces influence the development of applied psychology? Do you think applied psychology would have developed when it did without these forces?
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8.5 How did Cattell’s work alter the nature of American psychology? How did he promote psychology to the public?
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8.6 Compare the approaches of Cattell and Binet to the development of mental tests.
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8.7 Describe the impact of World War I on the testing movement.
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8.8 Define the concepts of mental age and IQ. How are they calculated?
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8.9 Why did some organizations abandon the use of psychological tests in the 1920s despite their popularity?
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8.10 How were tests used in the United States to support the notion of racial differences in intelligence and the alleged inferiority of immigrants?
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8.11 In your opinion, are intelligence tests biased against members of minority groups? Defend your answer.
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8.12 Discuss the role of women in the testing movement. Why was their work at a professional disadvantage?
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8.13 How did the work of Witmer and Münsterberg influence the growth of clinical psychology?
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8.14 How did Witmer and Münsterberg differ in their views of clinical psychology?
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8.15 Discuss the roles of Scott and Münsterberg in the origin of industrial-organizational psychology.
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8.16 How was industrial-organizational psychology affected by the Hawthorne studies and the wars?
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8.17 What role did women play in the development of industrial-organizational psychology?
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8.18 Describe Münsterberg’s contributions to forensic psychology.
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8.19 Why were Münsterberg’s outspoken views often unpopular with other psychologists? How did he come to be a despised figure among the general public?
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8.20 Compare the growth and popularity of applied psychology in the 1920s, the 1930s, and the period since the end of World War II.
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