Solutions A History of Modern Psychology - 10th Edition - Chapter 11

11.1 What does Priscilla the Fastidious Pig have to do with the history of psychology? By what techniques was this animal trained?
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11.2 Describe the three stages in the evolution of the behaviorist school of thought.
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11.3 Which psychologists can be classified as neobehaviorists? On what major points did they agree?
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11.4 What was operationism and how did it influence the neobehaviorists of the 1920s and 1930s?
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11.5 What are pseudo-problems? Why was the notion of pseudo-problems so appealing to behaviorists?
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11.6 Give an example of an intervening variable. Describe how it can be defined operationally.
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11.7 What did Tolman mean by purposive behaviorism?
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11.8 How did Hull’s behaviorism differ from the views of Watson and Tolman?
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11.9 What role did the spirit of mechanism play in Hull’s approach to behaviorism?
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11.10 Define Hull’s concepts of primary and secondary drives and primary and secondary reinforcement.
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11.11 What is the hypothetico-deductive method? List some criticisms of Hull’s system.
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11.12 Describe Skinner’s views on theorizing, the mechanistic spirit, intervening variables, and the use of statistics.
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11.13 Distinguish between operant and respondent conditioning. How is operant conditioning used to modify behavior?
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11.14 What is Skinner’s law of acquisition? How did it differ from Thorndike’s and Hull’s positions on learning?
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11.15 What is the difference between fixed-interval and fixed-ratio reinforcement schedules? Give a few examples of each.
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11.16 How would you apply the method of successive approximation to train a dog to walk in a circle?
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11.17 On what grounds has Skinner’s system been criticized?
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11.18 How do Bandura’s and Rotter’s views on cognitive factors differ from Skinner’s views?
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11.19 How is modeling used to change behavior? Give an example.
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11.20 How do people high in self-efficacy differ from people low in self-efficacy?
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11.21 Distinguish between self-efficacy and locus of control in terms of their effects on behavior.
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